
Amplifying voices, individual experiences, and perspective from below

Bridging academic and public audiences

Sharing reflections on learning and teaching about Eastern Europe

Creating a collaborative space for learning about history and culture

Decentering the curriculum of Eastern Europe by diversifying primary sources


Partners and support


How to cooperate with the Educational Platform?
We invite university instructors, Ph.D. students, and all history lovers to participate in the development of the Platform and the use of its resources in teaching and learning about Central and Eastern Europe.
How to get materials from the Educational Platform?
You can get digital materials by registering and creating your own account or by sending a letter to [email protected] After that, you can freely download materials from our resources.
Can I become the author of an educational module or share my own sources with the Educational Platform?
We will be happy to work with researchers who have experience working with archival and private collections and have had direct access to sources or hard-to-reach archives. Please contact [email protected] with proposals for cooperation.
What are the conditions for using the resources of the Educational Platform?
We adhere to the Creative Commons license for the use of copyright objects (CC BY-NC-ND). It means we allow users to upload content and share it with others, as long as they give credit to the authors and don’t use these materials for commercial purposes.