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Directorate of Foreign Broadcasting of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting on the Secrecy Regime and Work with Foreigners, 1977
This report, delivered by Leonid Avksentiev, editor-in-chief of the Main Directorate of Radio Broadcasting to Foreign Countries (Directorate of Foreign Broadcasting) under the Ukrainian SSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting, was presented at the Directorate’s general party meeting in August 1977. The document is held at the Central State Archive of Public Associations and Ukrainian Studies (ЦДАГОУ) in Kyiv. The Directorate of Foreign Broadcasting of the Ukrainian SSR State TV and Radio Broadcasting managed Radio Kyiv, the Ukrainian Soviet broadcasting station that operated on shortwave radio, primarily aimed at Europe and North America, from 1950 to 1991. As part of the broader network of Soviet international broadcasting, Radio Kyiv focused on...
Ministry of Communications of the Ukrainian SSR on Jamming Foreign Radio Stations in the Republic, 1982
This document is a report from Heorhii Sinchenko, Minister of Communications of the Ukrainian SSR, to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine on the subject of “counteracting anti-Soviet radio broadcasting.” The report includes a list of shortwave radio stations targeted for jamming and provides an overview of the relevant infrastructure in 1982. In addition to Western stations such as Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe, the BBC, Deutsche Welle, South Korea’s Radio Korea, and the Voice of Israel, broadcasters from socialist countries with strained relations with the USSR—like Albania’s Radio Tirana and China’s Radio Beijing—were also jammed. In total, 37 "anti-Soviet" radio stations broadcast into Soviet Ukraine. During the early 1980s, as...
A satirical report by the Soviet magazine Perets on the use of official vehicles for private Affairs, 1960
The humorous and satirical magazine Perets, published (albeit intermittently) since 1922, served as a supplementary weapon for the government in its fight against social issues. Its editorial board frequently aligned with various official campaigns, wielding its sharp wit to expose violations, shortcomings, and vices, thereby shaping public attitudes. Hryhorii Bezborodko, an experienced feuilletonist for Perets, often targeted the “antipodes of Soviet morality,” such as indifference, mismanagement, careerism, and other societal flaws. His report was no coincidence; it aimed to bolster the campaign against the misuse of official vehicles. Despite the 1959 restrictions on the use of state cars, members of the nomenklatura continued to exploit loopholes, necessitating public shaming rather than relying solely...
Corruption in Kolomyia, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk) Oblast, 1962
In the early 1960s, the Ukrainian prosecutor's office reported to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine about “exposed groups of large-scale embezzlers of socialist property and bribe-takers who had long been operating within various sectors of the national economy.” The scale of the defendants' shadow income was staggering: during investigations into four cases, authorities seized hundreds of thousands of rubles, single-story houses, kilograms of gold, dozens of cars, and other assets. Such wealth was enabled by a well-developed “shadow economy.” Despite inflated economic plans, strict resource controls, and rigorous oversight, resourceful producers consistently found ways to generate “surplus” production, which they used to enhance their own comfort and secure patronage....
Illegal Construction of Dachas in Kherson, 1970
The satisfaction of Soviet citizens’ basic needs led to a growing demand for an improved quality of life, with one key indicator being access to comfortable recreation. Members of the nomenklatura became active participants in the establishment of “gardening societies,” which involved allocating land plots to factory workers for gardening and horticulture. However, the widely publicized “Kherson case” revealed that their interest lay less in gardening and more in personal comfort. Instead of allowing the construction of simple “summer-type buildings,” the nomenklatura opted for “permanent brick large summer cottages, often equipped with heating.” These practices not only violated the 1960 government decree banning the construction of such dachas but also involved the illegal...
Abuses of a Sugar Factory Director and his Party Rehabilitation, 1953
The case of H. illustrates the activities of the Party Control Commission under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, which reviewed appeals for reinstatement into the party. H. had been expelled for “the use of his official position for mercenary purposes and illegal spending of public funds” while heading a sugar factory. Specifically, he exchanged his old cow for a younger one and fed his pig on the farm of the Division of Workers' Supply (rus. Отдел рабочего снабжения), which was under his supervision. Additionally, he had two employees in excess of the factory’s staffing needs and persecuted the chief accountant for exposing his abuses. H. was also accused of selling sugar...
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