
Oksana Dudko

historian, coordinator of the Lviv Interactive project (2011-2016), researcher at the Center for Urban History (2016-2021). Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellow in Ukrainian Studies at University of Saskatchewan.

At the Center for Urban History, Oksana is a research fellow and conducts research for the project “Cities, Wars, and Reconstruction in 20th-century Eastern Europe.” Previously, she led the “Lviv Interactive” project from 2011 to 2016 and curated the exhibition “Great War 1914–…” (2014–2016).

Oksana received her bachelor’s degree with high distinction (2004), master’s degree with high distinction (2005), and PhD in history (2011) from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Oksana also completed the certificate program in the Department of Philosophy at the Ukrainian Catholic University (2008) and the intensive program “Text, Memory, and History” at the University of Stavanger, Norway (2013). In addition, she held research fellowships at Warsaw University and the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (2007, 2009, 2010, and 2012). In 2016, she was a guest researcher at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University. Since 2016, she has been working on her PhD thesis on Ukrainian Galician soldiers during the First World War and the Revolution at the University of Toronto.

In addition to conducting history research, Oksana has been a curator of theatre projects, including the Drabyna International Theater Festival (2004–2011), the “Drama.UA” Festival of New Drama (2010–2013), and the First Stage of New Drama “Drama.UA” in Lviv (2014). She is also a founder and director of the Drabyna Art Workshop (2003–2014).

Research interests: history of violence, history of the Great War and the Revolution, history of theatre, cultural history, theatre and exhibition curatorship.

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Documents (3)

Image for Zinaida Mirna, Women in Central Council of Ukraine, 1928
Zinaida Mirna, Women in Central Council of Ukraine, 1928
Memories of Zinaida Mirna about women in Central Council of Ukraine. Zinaida Mirna (1878-1950) was a civic and political leader. She was active in the Ukrainian women's movement and women's education movement, played an important role during Ukraine’s struggle for independence (1917–20) as a member of the Central Council (Tsentralna Rada) and the Little Council (Mala Rada). In 1919 Zinaida Mirna helped found the National Council of Ukrainian Women in Kamianets-Podilskyi, and served as its vice-president. Later she headed its Berlin branch. After settling in Prague in 1924, she served as the longtime president of the Ukrainian Women's Union in Czechoslovakia and gave much of her time to the Museum of Ukraine's Struggle...
Kharytyna Pekarchuk’ memories about World War I, 1918-1919
Memoirs of Kharytyna Pekarchuk - corporal of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the first woman to receive a Ukrainian state award in the 20th century (token of the Order of the Iron Cross No. 1, Cross of Symon Petliura). The passage refers to her medical service during 1918-1919. The memoirs were published in 1969 in the Ukrainian magazine in USA, Nashe Zhyttia (Our Life) by the Union of Ukrainian Women of America.
Image for Memories of Stepan Haiduchok, 1919
Memories of Stepan Haiduchok, 1919
Memories of Stepan Haiduchok, Ukrainian pedagogue, author of books on sports teaching, about the Ukrainian-Polish war of 1918-19 and female medical service.
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Related syllabi (1)

The course aims to discuss the major military conflicts of the twentieth century from a gender perspective. In doing so, the course covers the history of global and local wars in a wide variety of regions, including Europe, Africa, and Asia. However, rather than surveying a vast number of military conflicts, we will use a case study approach to conduct in-depth analyses of external and internal dynamics of military encounters and the role of gendered violence during them.