
Natalia Otrishchenko

sociologist, researcher, leads the Urban Media Archive’s “Urban Stories”. Her areas of academic interests include methodology and methods of sociological research, oral history, projective methods, urban sociology, spatial and social transformations after the state socialism. The author of the online-course “Neighbours and Strangers: Introduction to the Sociology of the City”.

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Documents (2)

Image for Identities of Euromaidan participants
Identities of Euromaidan participants
The quotes from the interview published here are part of the project “The Voices of Euromaidan in Global Protest and Solidarity Studies”. The project focuses on the edited and thematically organized materials from the collection of oral history interviews called “Voices of Resistance and Hope,” that were recorded in two stages, the first in December 2013 and the second in February 2014 (more then 100 interviews). They were gathered in the base “Intimate Chronologies of the Euromaidan”, which is available on Urban Media Archive website. This collection includes 17 themetical categories. The category "Identities of protest participants" is built around the respondents' thoughts about their identities, which were strengthened during the Euromaidan. During...
Image for Attitudes towards “Leninopad” in interview responses of Euromaidan’ participants, 2013-2014
Attitudes towards “Leninopad” in interview responses of Euromaidan’ participants, 2013-2014
The quotes from the interview published here are part of the project "The Voices of Euromaidan in Global Protest and Solidarity Studies". The project focuses on the edited and thematically organized materials from the collection of oral history interviews called "Voices of Resistance and Hope," that were recorded in two stages, the first in December 2013 and the second in February 2014 (more then 100 interviews). They were gathered in the base "Intimate Chronologies of the Euromaidan", which is available on Urban Media Archive website. This collection includes 17 themetical categories. “Leninopad” is one of them. The answers given in this category indicate the attitudes towards Lenin's monuments, to specific forms of urban...
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Related courses (1)

The course serves as an introduction to urban sociology, thus illustrating key discussions and inviting to a deeper acquaintance with selected topics. It focuses on the city as a key arena of (co)creation, consumption, a manifestation of culture, and on the actors shaping it.