

The word dissent comes from the Latin word dissidens (discordant) and in political theory means a refusal to collaborate with a recognized authority (social, cultural, or governmental). In the former USSR, dissidents were people who disagreed with specific aspects of Soviet ideology and spoke out against them. Small groups of marginalized intellectuals, self-identifying as dissidents, lived under party-state systems, yet embraced non-conformism, which they believed was for the good of society.  Their views were often punished by official ideology. This theme is important, as dissent has often been associated with the act of critical thinking and reading, which is how historians seek to understand and approach source material. Our Educational Platform offers materials involving politics and political prisoners, but we also focus on other forms of non-conformism, such as alternative urban life, or subcultures. When looking at the topic of dissent, history reveals that the struggle for recognition that defined the experiences of those with dissenting identities (minorities, or other excluded groups of people) is central to democratic politics. This theme promotes more meaningful understandings of identity and, with that, a historical conception of politics that is more inclusive and diverse.

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Primary Sources

Documents (16)

Letter from Vasyl Stus to PEN International, 11 August 1976
This letter, written by Ukrainian poet, literary critic, human rights activist, and dissident Vasyl Stus, was addressed to PEN International, the global association of writers. Stus penned the letter while serving a sentence in a labor camp in the village of Matrosovo, Tenkivsk District, Magadan Oblast, USSR. He was convicted under Article 62 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR (analogous to Article 70 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR), which charged him with “Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda.” The letter later became evidence in a new criminal case initiated against Stus in 1980, following his return to Kyiv after completing his initial eight-year sentence. This appeal to the international literary community...
Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, 16 July 1990
The Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR on 16 July 1990, was the key document that marked the beginning of Ukraine's path to independence. Its adoption took place in the context of the first pluralistic elections to the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR in March 1990 and the so-called "Parade of Sovereignties" during the late 1980s, a process in which the republics of the USSR proclaimed their autonomy against the backdrop of a weakened union center and Soviet censorship. The document, consisting of a preamble and ten articles, laid down the basic principles of the republic's autonomy policy, reflecting the desire to dismantle...
Image for Perception of European integration and European values, interviews with Euromaidan participants
Perception of European integration and European values, interviews with Euromaidan participants
The quotes from the interview published here are part of the project “The Voices of Euromaidan in Global Protest and Solidarity Studies”. The project focuses on the edited and thematically organized materials from the collection of oral history interviews called “Voices of Resistance and Hope,” that were recorded in two stages, the first in December 2013 and the second in February 2014 (more then 100 interviews). They were gathered in the base “Intimate Chronologies of the Euromaidan”, which is available on Urban Media Archive website. This collection includes 17 themetical categories. The category “Perception of European integration and European values” combines quotes related to the expectations of Euromaidan participants from possible European integration, as...
Image for Motivation of mobilization, interviews with Euromaidan participants
Motivation of mobilization, interviews with Euromaidan participants
The quotes from the interview published here are part of the project “The Voices of Euromaidan in Global Protest and Solidarity Studies”. The project focuses on the edited and thematically organized materials from the collection of oral history interviews called “Voices of Resistance and Hope,” that were recorded in two stages, the first in December 2013 and the second in February 2014 (more then 100 interviews). They were gathered in the base “Intimate Chronologies of the Euromaidan”, which is available on Urban Media Archive website. This collection includes 17 themetical categories. The category “Motivation of Mobilization” has the quotes describing the motivation of Euromaidan participants that prompted them to join the protests. Answers...
Image for Heroes and antiheroes in the history of Ukraine, interviews with Euromaidan participants
Heroes and antiheroes in the history of Ukraine, interviews with Euromaidan participants
The quotes from the interview published here are part of the project “The Voices of Euromaidan in Global Protest and Solidarity Studies”. The project focuses on the edited and thematically organized materials from the collection of oral history interviews called “Voices of Resistance and Hope,” that were recorded in two stages, the first in December 2013 and the second in February 2014 (more then 100 interviews). They were gathered in the base “Intimate Chronologies of the Euromaidan”, which is available on Urban Media Archive website. This collection includes 17 themetical categories. The category "Heroes and antiheroes in the history of Ukraine" contains the views of the interviewed participants of the protests about the...
Image for Identities of Euromaidan participants
Identities of Euromaidan participants
The quotes from the interview published here are part of the project “The Voices of Euromaidan in Global Protest and Solidarity Studies”. The project focuses on the edited and thematically organized materials from the collection of oral history interviews called “Voices of Resistance and Hope,” that were recorded in two stages, the first in December 2013 and the second in February 2014 (more then 100 interviews). They were gathered in the base “Intimate Chronologies of the Euromaidan”, which is available on Urban Media Archive website. This collection includes 17 themetical categories. The category "Identities of protest participants" is built around the respondents' thoughts about their identities, which were strengthened during the Euromaidan. During...
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Videos (1)

Bilka, film,12 minutes
  A film by amateur filmmaker Roman Buchko, co-directed with Volodymyr Bordiuk and Roman Chyzhyk. The film is named after the Bilka River in Lviv Oblast, a right tributary of the Poltva (Vistula River basin). It was created at the Murator People’s Film Studio of the Lviv House of Culture of Builders. The triple authorship reflects the specifics of amateur filmmaking in the USSR, where any amateur activity had to be collective. The chosen topic and content of the work were characteristic of Roman Buchko, who systematically worked with this theme. Buchko hailed from the area depicted in the film, the village of Hai, near Zvenyhorod. Noteworthy is that Volodymyr Bordiuk, head...
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Modules (1)

The Soviet government aimed to profoundly transform the styles and structures of people’s everyday lives, encompassing housing, leisure, and work. Particularly ambitious projects were conceived and executed during the 1920s and 1930s. Workers were at the forefront of Soviet social policy, with the Bolshevik Communist Party depicted in Soviet discourse as the avant-garde of the proletariat, primarily serving the interests of the working class. Did these ideas correspond to practice, and at what cost were they realized? This will be discussed in the module by historian Roman Liubavskyi.

Digital stories (1)

The "The City as a Stage: When Politics Takes to the Streets" project focuses on mass events in the public space of Lviv during the Habsburg period, which took place in the open air – on the streets and squares of the city. As the political center of Galicia, the "royal capital city" of Lviv was simultaneously considered the "capital of the freest part of Poland" and the "capital of Prince Lev." Political and national confrontations were concentrated here. Although the population of Lviv at that time consisted mainly of Poles and Jews, followed by Ukrainians, it was the competition between Ukrainians and Poles that was most significant. These two groups declared their...


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Syllabi (4)

This Lesson/Unit plan was developed within the Curriculum Development Project: On Ukraine, organized by the Davis Center, Harvard University in partnership with Alexander Langstaff (New York University), and the Center for Urban History in 2024. The project was intended for middle, high school, or community college educators, living and working in the U.S. The author: Paul R. Huard, Ashland High School (Oregon, USA).
The course aims at a critical, in-depth exploration of how sexuality is intertwined with other epistemic categories and social differentials from a decolonial perspective and how the project of decolonization might look in the context of Ukraine. The course was created for Invisible University for Ukraine certificate program of the Central European University.
This lecture course comparatively and transnationally investigates twentieth-century communism as a modern civilization with a global outreach. It looks at the global spread of communism as an ideology, an everyday experience, and a form of statehood in the Soviet Union, Europe, Asia (i.e.Mao’s China), and post-colonial Africa. With the exception of North America and Australia, communist regimes were established on all continents of the world. The course will examine this historical process from the October Revolution (1917) to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (1986), which marked the demise of the communist state. The emphasis is not just on state-building processes or Cold War politics but primarily on the social, gender, cultural and economic policies that...
This course covers the period from the partitions of Poland through the Russian and Habsburg Empires, the Soviet Union and interwar Poland. Students will familiarize with the geopolitical results of Russia’s westward and Austria’s eastward expansions and will focus among other overarching themes on the shtetl, the unique East European Jewish habitat; on Hasidism, a Ukraine-born popular movement of religious enthusiasm; on the interaction between Zionists and Ukrainian nationalists in Galicia; on the development of Ukrainization and Yiddishization (or Ukrainian and Jewish korenizatsiia) in the 1920s and the situation of Jews in Poland in the 1920s; on the Holocaust and its aftermath; on Ukrainians and Jews in the dissident movement; and on Jewish-Ukrainian...