Course team: Maria Mayerchyk, Olga Plakhotnik, Nadiya Chushak (directors), Olenka S. Dmytryk (course coordinator), mentors.
What is sexuality – if we look at its macro-social dimension within the global regime of power? What is decoloniality – given the increasing usage of the word and its new momentum of popularity after the beginning of the full-scale Russian war on Ukraine? And how are these two epistemic categories linked? The decolonial option understands coloniality as a global matrix of power that rules the contemporary world, and sexuality is one of its pillars – together with gender, economy/ governmentality, and epistemologies/ knowledge production. To see sexuality from the decolonial perspective and decolonize it, therefore, would mean questioning the modern concepts of sexuality/ gender – as well as race/ ethnicity, capitalism, nation-states, emancipation, norm, anthropocentrism, and the very idea of what human is.
The course aims at a critical, in-depth exploration of how sexuality is intertwined with other epistemic categories and social differentials from a decolonial perspective and how the project of decolonization might look in the context of Ukraine.
Topics to be covered in the course: disability and crip-theory, transgender communities and TERF, LGBT politics, “traditional values,” sexuality in art, asexuality, migration, care, heteropryrechenist (heterodoom) and postsocialism. All topics will be considered in the context of decoloniality: How does coloniality deploy through sexual politics, and how it relates to Eastern Europe and Ukraine?
Disciplinary frameworks of the course: sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, gender/queer studies
Learning outcomes
The course offers an intensive learning experience, placing questions relevant to Ukraine into a transnational and transdisciplinary perspective. At the end of the course, students will have expanded their knowledge of critical concepts of social theory, political theory, international relations, political philosophy, and cultural studies. The course also develops the participants’ critical thinking and skills in academic discussion in English.
Course schedule and readings