Report of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine on the review of the appeal of the former director of the sugar factory H., who was dismissed for malice. September 14, 1953
H. born in 1911, member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1939, party card No. 5595960 was handed over to the Vinnytsia oblast committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Jew, a worker, an employee, education – incomplete higher education, served in the Soviet Army from 1941 to 1944, was a military commander of the battalion 27-technical company, platoon commander, has the Order of the Red Star and medals: “For Bravery”, “For the Defense of the Caucasus” and “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”.
During the emergence of the case worked as director of Brodetsk sugar factory of Komsomolsk district, Vinnytsia oblast. At present he works as deputy chief engineer at Klembovsk sugar factory, Iziaslav district, Kamianets-Podilsk oblast.
On November 13, 1950 the Vinnytsia Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, hearing the question “On the results of checking the statement of the chief accountant of the Brodetsk sugar factory Kozlov about embezzlement of socialist property at the factory, excluded the director of the sugar factory – H. from the CPSU membership for irresponsible management of the sugar factory, encouragement and personal participation in the embezzlement of socialist property, which caused great damage to the state, as well as conscious persecution of the chief accountant of the factory for the statement filed on him, H., about these crimes in the Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
On January 2, 1953, the Vinnytsia Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, hearing the question of H.’s party membership for the second time, confirmed its decision of November 13, 1953, to expel H. from membership in the CPSU for a criminally negligent attitude to his official duties and abuse of his official position for mercenary purposes, for which he was sentenced to one year of corrective labor work.
H. appeals. The case was received on 19.l-1953. Additional material was received on 4/ІІІ-1953.
It was established from the case file and the interview:
H., working from May 1947 to November 1950 as director of the Brodetsk sugar factory, Komsomolsk district, Vinnytsia oblast, used his official position for mercenary purposes. He exchanged his cow of 8 years old for a young cow, the best in terms of milk yield, and the Division of Workers’ Supply of the sugar factory. He kept his sow for 6 months for the pig farm of the DWS of the sugar factory.
Illegally made sale of sugar in 1949-1950 in the amount of 669 kg. at the price of 3 rubles 80 kopecks instead of selling this sugar at the price of 12 rubles per kilogram, which caused damage to the factory in the amount of 5486 rubles, of which he reimbursed the factory 2410 rubles.
Violating the financial discipline, for 9 months he kept a telephone operator Dovbysh, who was paid 4250 rubles, and kept a legal adviser Kuzinovich, who was not envisaged by the staff schedule, to whom he also paid 11716 rubles. Thus, H. illegally spent 15966 rubles.
For the use of his official position and illegal expenditure of public funds H. was sentenced on September 25, 1952 by the Vinnytsia Oblast Court to one year of corrective labor work at his place of work with deduction of 25% of his salary to the state.
In his explanation H. does not deny the accusation brought against him, asks to take into account that he has deeply acknowledged his misconduct and justified his actions through his honest work. He asks to be reinstated as a member of the CPSU.
H. informs about himself that he began his labor activity in 1931 and worked as a deputy power engineer at a sugar factory until 1932. From 1932 to 1941 he worked as a senior power engineer at the sugar factory. From 1941 to 1944 he served in the Soviet Army, was a battalion commander and platoon commander. From 1944 to 1947, he was director of the Yusefo-Nikolayevsk sugar factory. From 1947 to 1950 – director of the Brodetsk sugar factory. From 1950 to October 1952 he worked as an engineer at the sugar factory in Shepetivka. From October 1952 to the present time – Deputy Chief Engineer of Klembovsk sugar factory in Iziaslav district, Kamianets-Podilsk oblast.
H. is characterized positively by the Iziaslav District Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. It is stated that H. is conscientious and disciplined. He enjoys authority among the workers and employees of the plant. He takes an active part in public and political life.
Poskripko reports, H. is present and a representative of the Vinnytsia Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, com. I.I. Losev.
H. by the decision of the Vinnytsia Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine of January 2, 1953, was correctly excluded from the membership of the CPSU for the use of his official position for mercenary purposes and illegal spending of public funds in the amount of 15966 rubles when he was the director of the sugar plant, for which he was sentenced to one year of corrective labor work. Taking into account H.’s participation in WWII and the positive characteristics of the Iziaslav District Party Committee about his work at the present time, – to change the decision of the Vinnytsia Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine from January 2, 1953, to restore H. as a member of the CPSU with a severe reprimand in his personal file.
To instruct the Iziaslav RC of the Communist Party of Ukraine of Kamianets-Podilsk oblast to formalize the issuance of party documents to H.
Iziaslav RC CP of Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilsk oblast to familiarize H. with this decision.
Vinnytsia oblast committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
In the file.
Instructor of the Department of Party,
trade union and Komsomol bodies of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
A. Poskrypko.
June 30, 1953.
The name of the applicant was anonymized by the researcher.
The case of H. illustrates the activities of the Party Control Commission under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, which reviewed appeals for reinstatement into the party. H. had been expelled for “the use of his official position for mercenary purposes and illegal spending of public funds” while heading a sugar factory. Specifically, he exchanged his old cow for a younger one and fed his pig on the farm of the Division of Workers’ Supply (rus. Отдел рабочего снабжения), which was under his supervision. Additionally, he had two employees in excess of the factory’s staffing needs and persecuted the chief accountant for exposing his abuses. H. was also accused of selling sugar at a reduced price, a charge that may seem somewhat unusual at first glance. It is likely that the artificially cheapened sugar, through the director’s actions, ended up in the hands of speculators, who then sold it on the “black market,” with H. benefiting from their efforts. Such conduct was not uncommon in the postwar period when economic hardships often tempted officials to exploit their positions for personal gain. For these violations, H. was punished rather mildly. Initially expelled from the party, he was later sentenced to one year of correctional labor without imprisonment, with a partial deduction from his salary.
This case is not an isolated incident but rather reflects the turbulent career paths of many postwar economic leaders. It reveals the complex relationship between directors and the law: while they were often caught in corrupt activities and sought to punish whistleblowers, they faced relatively harsh party sanctions. Factors such as participation in the war, expressions of remorse, or strong economic performance of their enterprises often provided a lifeline for these individuals. Despite the significant damage caused to the state, H. was never convicted criminally. Instead, he was expelled from the party and transferred to another oblast. Two years later, he received a judicial sentence and was again relocated, this time to a lower position, where he worked to compensate for the damage done to the state.
In his appeal for reinstatement, H. expressed deep remorse, as he “acknowledged his misconduct and justified his actions through his honest work.” Citing his wartime service and positive work performance, he requested his return to the party. On September 14, 1953, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine granted his request for reinstatement, but with a “severe reprimand” recorded in his personal file. This reprimand served as a grim reminder of his reckless behavior and excessive appetites—flaws that were not eradicated but merely mitigated over time.