
Tetiana Zemliakova

Tetiana Zemliakova is an intellectual historian of modern disciplinary knowledge and a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute. Her first book project, Building Schools: the American Research University and the Birth of Modern Political Science (1850–1910), is a study dedicated to the intersection between the institutional development of modern research universities and the rise of academic disciplines in Germany and the US. Tetiana’s second project—The Last Men and Their Times: Modernity’s Emancipation from History—explores the history of embodied time in modernity. Following the discoveries of the geological, ontogenetic, and mythical time, the project traces the change in affective schemes of the last men. Tetiana also teaches courses on the history of ideologies and the politics of warfare at the Invisible University for Ukraine, directs IUFU’s Winter Schools, and conducts a writing seminar with IUFU’s graduate students.

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The course aims to problematize politics as a practice of contestation that engages with the meanings of modern historical events. Combining approaches from political theory, intellectual history, and social theory, it introduces students to various academic and public discussions on wars, revolutions, modalities of peace, and their  political interpretations. To do so, the course reconsiders uncertainty as the key quality of  historical events, which manifests both in the course of their development and in later reinterpretations. The course intends to introduce students to critical work with historical sources and master the critical analysis of texts, debates, and events.